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Telas Wire Cloth Co.

monel wire cloth

Monel Standard Grade

This 400 grade monel is highly resistant to the corrosive action of acids, alkalides and salt water. It has the same strength of mild steel.

To Order: For continuous lengths, please specify length desired (width is 36"). Prices are available upon request for quantities greater than 60 square feet. Maximum roll length is 100 linear feet.

 Mesh Per
Lin. In.
Dia., In.
Open., In.
Area, %
 12"x 12"
Sheets Each
 36" Wide Continuous Lengths
 3-12 sq. ft.  15-36 sq. ft.  39-60 sq. ft.
8 x 8 0.028 0.097 60.2 $38.04 $36.14 $32.85 $26.59
10 x 10 0.025 0.075 56.3 41.97 41.97 38.15 30.88
12 x 12 0.023 0.060 51.8 36.85 36.85 33.49 27.10
16 x 16 0.018 0.045 50.7 58.62 27.24 22.70 13.78
20 x 20 0.016 0.034 46.2 48.99 31.13 28.30 22.90
30 x 30 0.013 0.020 37.1 29.97 29.21 26.56 21.49
40 x 40 0.010 0.015 36.0 35.44 35.44 29.53 23.71
50 x 50 0.009 0.011 30.3 32.94 29.78 24.82 21.06
60 x 60 0.0075 0.009 30.5 35.57 35.57 29.64 25.16
80 x 80 0.0055 0.007 31.4 22.74 22.74 20.68 16.74
100 x 100 0.0045 0.006 30.3 25.12 25.12 22.83 18.48
120 x 120 0.0036 0.0046 30.5 22.57 22.57 20.57 16.61
150 x 150 0.0026 0.0041 37.8 22.68 22.68 20.62 16.69
200 x 200 0.0021 0.0029 33.6 22.32 22.32 20.29 15.18