micron opening wire cloth
Telas offers the comprehensive range of micron wire cloths, ranging to ultra fine options and manufactured from stainless steel and all metallic materials and alloys. All Telas wire cloth is manufactured using the most modern production equipment under clean conditions.
Our woven wire filter cloths are ideally suited to surface filtration applications, and have proved their worth in many different environments and situations.
Telas Micronic Wire Cloth offers the following features:
• Optimum flow rates
• Narrow pore size distribution
• Precise alignment of filter pores
• Stability
• Rigidity
• Excellent resistance to abrasion
• No particle dissolution
• Easy to clean
• Excellent levels of plasticity
• Chemical and thermal resistance
• Smooth surface structure
• High levels of reliability
Telas fine wire cloths are used in:
Pressure filters for fine filtration in hydraulic steering equipment
Oil and fuel filters
Pressure and vacuum filters
As porous media for fluid beds
Filter candles
Medical science
Food and beverage industry
Plastics industry
Telas Micronic Wire Cloths are used worldwide for their high performance properties:
Accuracy of weave
High stability
Corrosion resistance
Thermal resistance
Resistance to moisture
No static loading
Ease of fabrication